What if 60% of all goods were still in use?

Wednesday 14 November 2012
Now I was reading an interesting blog today, it posed some interesting points about global consumption and resource management, take a look and tell us what you think.

Hands up if you drive a Porsche?

The car assholes drive, I think that’s how Jon Steel put it.
Anyway. If you ask Porsche about their sustainability policy they will proudly tell you that  60% of all Porsches ever made are still on the road today.

Think about that for a bit.
Now you might think that a gas guzzling 4.8 litre car can never be environmentally friendly, but just think about that stat for a bit. What they’re saying is that 60% of the stuff we’ve made is so desirable, so well put together, so well designed, that people are still using them.
Imagine if 60% of other stuff was still in use. I don’t know about you, but I’d be happy if 60% of the iPods I’d owned were still working.
Imagine if 60% of carrier bags were still being used. Imagine if 60% of computers were still in use today. 60% of food packaging was still in use.
Lewis Mumford, the historian said “Why should we so gratuitously assume, as we constantly do, that the mere existence of a mechanism for manifolding or of mass production carries with it an obligation to use it to the fullest capacity?”
Or why do constantly we make as much stuff as we can, rather than as much stuff as we need?

So my question to you is, what would happen to the global economy if 60% of all resources in all of the goods in the global economy were still in use?

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